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Action C3. Planting of 91E0* species in project area A
Planting of ash, elm and alder trees in project area A has been carried out (Project Action C3 - restoration of habitat 91E0 * Alluvial forests of Alnus glutinosa and Fraxinus excelsior).
Preparation of ash, elm and alder planting for Action C3
In January, area A of the Valle Averto site was prepared for the planting of the species envisaged by action C3.
D3 action: avifauna monitoring. February 2021
Monitoring of avifauna (Action D3 of the project). The scheduled listening points took place in the first week of February.
Plant preparation Cladium mariscus. Mowing area B
Action C2. Mowing in area B of the Valle Averto site preparatory to scotico, for the preparation of the Cladium mariscus plant
Action C6 of the project "Containment of the presence of the Silurus glanis". First capture session in 2021
In the first days of February, the first capture session scheduled for 2021 of silurus glanis, action C6 of the project, was carried out.
D3 action: monitoring of avifauna
Monitoring of avifauna (Action D3 of the project). In the first week of January, the listening points were completed and the aquatic censuses were carried out.
Action C3. Planting of 91E0* species in project area A
Planting of ash, elm and alder trees has been carried out in project area A (Action C3 of the project - restoration of habitat 91E0 * Alluvial forests of Alnus glutinosa and Fraxinus excelsior).
Preparation of Cladium mariscus plant. Area C. Action C2
The scotic of the land continues in areas A, B, C, E, G for the preparation of the Cladium mariscus plant (action C2 of the project).
Action C2. Preparation of Cladium mariscus plant. Scotic areas
The scotic of the ground has begun in these days in areas A, B, C, E, G, for Action C2 (Increase of the habitat 7210 * Calcareous swamps with Cladium mariscus)
Start of the LIFE FORESTALL project
From 1 October 2019 the activities of the #LIFEFORESTALL Project are underway, funded by the @LIFEprogramme of the #unioneuropea with a budget of € 1.809.697, which provides for the recovery and conservation of the priority #habitats 7210 * Limestone marshes with Cladium mariscus and 91E0 * Alluvial forests of Alnus glutinosa and Fraxinus excelsior in the @WWFitalia Oasis of #ValleAverto.
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