A specific sub-action of the project, action E2.1, “Dissemination activities (of the results) aimed at local ecotourism stakeholders” allows them to adopt the same communication strategies to improve ecotourism activities. Local public bodies, trade bodies and associations, operators in the cultural, naturalistic and tourism sectors of the area adjacent to the WWF Oasis, were invited to participate in a forum that facilitates multidirectional communication with the aim of giving visibility to the project and increasing local ecotourism activities.
Collaboration with local stakeholders is a crucial part of the LIFE FORESTALL project and their involvement is necessary to develop and export a model of responsible tourism fruition based on sustainability and the valorization of wetland ecosystems. With a view to implementing this synergy, sub-action E2.1 involves the organization and participation of project partners and local stakeholders in a forum and two workshops with the aim of establishing multidirectional communication to jointly identify the best communication strategies and ensure greater visibility for the project in question and to encourage activities in the field of local eco-tourism.
The stakeholders were contacted and asked for their availability to participate in a survey on the perception and evaluation of valuable environmental and cultural assets and resources in the area. The survey, carried out using a questionnaire, asked what the most significant resources or assets characterizing the area in question were, and how thematic and tourist routes can be defined that connect the various assets with the WWF Oasis of Valle Averto and to identify, in a structured manner, addresses, preferences, suggestions, critical issues, regarding the eco-tourist and cultural assets and resources of the area in question and their possible synergies.
In seguito si è organizzato il in maggio a cui sono state invitate autorità locali, e tutti i partecipanti all’indagine, e dove sono stati presentati e portati alla discussione i risultati del questionario al fine di individuare strategie per collegare l'Oasi WWF di Valle Averto in una rete sinergica di percorsi naturalistici, culturali ed enogastronomici e di aumentare principalmente tra la popolazione locale e le autorità pubbliche la consapevolezza del valore di queste aree e beni e dell’importanza della conservazione ambientale.
Subsequently, the first workshop “on-line” was organized in May, to which local authorities and all survey participants were invited, and where the results of the questionnaire were presented and brought to discussion in order to identify strategies to connect the WWF Oasis of Valle Averto in a synergic network of naturalistic, cultural and food and wine routes and to increase awareness of the value of these areas and assets and of the importance of environmental conservation, mainly among the local population and public authorities.
Based on the results of the survey and also on the suggestions provided by the participants in the May workshop, the "Ecotourism Charter of the Southern Lagoon of Venice and the surrounding area was created to promote and enhance the realities present in the area that offer tourists activities and products that are attentive to the protection of the lagoon environment and local identities and traditions.