Stakeholder Communication and Transferability Pack - Technical Report
The Technical Report has been created to illustrate the techniques and methodologies used to achieve the objectives of the LIFE FORESTALL project, contributing to the strategy for the replicability and transferability of Best Practices for the management of conservation and restoration of habitats in wetlands and protected areas with the presence of habitat 7210*, 91E0* and / or some invasive species.
In the Report, a sheet has been dedicated to each action, with a description of the phases of the actions, with supporting iconography.
At the end of each sheet there is a reference to the video relating to the action produced in the WWF Oasis of Valle Averto during the LIFE FORESTALL project, present on the project's YouTube channel too.
A diagram of the phases of the action concludes the sheet. Boxes with additional information with the detailed description of the instruments and / or processes are included for an in-depth analysis of the operating methods. The report will be subsequently integrated and released in updated versions during the course of the project.
Technical Report update (2nd version)
With the publication of the “Second stakeholders communication pack”, the previously published version of the “Technical Report” (2021) was updated with a second version. The structure of the first version of the Technical Report has been substantially maintained. In this second version, the techniques and methodologies used to implement each action have been updated and, in the last part, the “Lessons Learned” have also been included, i.e. lessons learned during the performance of the activities, some of which were already indicated in the Mid-term report. In particular, the description of action C2 has been updated by inserting the description of the procedure and the updated iconography relating to the laying of the fascines, carried out in the WWF Oasis of Valle Averto in October 2022; the description of action C7, not present in the first edition of the Technical Report, has been added.
Here you can download the Second version of the Stakeholder Communication and Transferability Pack (SCTP) of October 2022.
We also remind you that it is also possible to download the Stakeholder Communication and Transferability Pack 1st version, 2021 (SCTP).
The first edition of the "Stakeholder Communication Pack (SCPT) - Technical Report", has been created as part of the project action ACTION E.2: ACTIVITIES TO ENSURE REPLICABILITY OR TRANSFERABILITY, in particular for the sub-action E2.2 Strategic Replication and Transferability Plan for Conservation Management and Habitat Restoration for Wetlands.