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Action C6 of the project "INVASIVE FISH SPECIES (Silurus glanis) CONTROL". First capture session in 2021
In the first days of February, the first capture session scheduled for 2021 of the Welscatfish fish, action C6 of the project, was carried out.
WWF Oasis of Valle Averto Virtual Visit
WWF Oasis of Valle Averto virtual visit

Testimonial 4

Submitted by admin on 21 December 2016
Foxin has impacted the way our business operates, so much so that it now contributes to our strategy going forward as it relates to growth, expansion, and new opportunities for our clients and our employees.

Testimonial 3

Submitted by admin on 21 December 2016
Emon has impacted the way our business operates, so much so that it now contributes to our strategy going forward as it relates to growth, expansion, and new opportunities for our clients and our employees.

Testimonial 2

Submitted by admin on 21 December 2016
Mion has impacted the way our business operates, so much so that it now contributes to our strategy going forward as it relates to growth, expansion, and new opportunities for our clients and our employees.

Testimonial 1

Submitted by admin on 21 December 2016
Tico has impacted the way our business operates, so much so that it now contributes to our strategy going forward as it relates to growth, expansion, and new opportunities for our clients and our employees.

Banner SELC

Submitted by admin on 21 December 2016

SELC società cooperativa è nata nel 1998 a Venezia dalla sinergia tra soci con provenienza e formazione professionali molteplici, e si è specializzata nel campo della biologia e della geologia applicate, prima in ambito costiero Nord-Adriatico e, successivamente, ampliando il proprio raggio d’azione al resto d’Italia e ad alcuni Paesi esteri.

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