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Project numbers

The project numbers:

C2 action areas  extension from 0.03  to about 6 hectares (5.97)

C3 action areas  extension from 1.25   to over 11 hectares (11.59)


C2 action areas total planted: 15,157

C3 action areas total planted:  23,541

[The established data is that a total of 23,541 seedlings have been planted (15,676 forest plants of which 300 in subs. failures + 7,865 mesophilous,   --> were planted by Coop: 8,200 forest plants (900 from local production) and 2,845 herbaceous]

C5 areas  planting of 4,320 forest plants.

TOTAL PLANTINGS = 15,157 + 23,541 + 4,320 = 43,018 seedlings


Baccharis halimifolia eradication:

in 2020: 125 mature plants and hundreds of seedlings or young individuals

In April 2024, SELC staff cut and eradicated 10 mature plants and approximately 20 young plants, in the southern portion of the WWF Oasis of Valle Averto.

TOTAL: eradication of 135 mature plants and hundreds of seedlings or young individuals

Robinia p. containment: Overall, approximately 1,000 individuals of Robinia pseudoacacia were killed in various areas of the WWF Oasis of Valle Averto. 885 individuals by the Primavera Cooperative, another 30 small-sized Robinia pseudacacia shrubs by SELC, others by WWF staff.


C6 action reduction of over 90%:

56 captures in 2020, 5 in 2023.


Environmental Education data:

  Visitors total during 21 Open Days:
2020 157      
2021 291      
2022 199      
2023 179 870  until 2024
2024 44      
More than 700 Students partecipating to school days.
People partecipating to open days in 2020, 2021,2022,2023,2024:157+291+199+179+44=870
10,000 copies of the South Venice Lagoon Ecotourism Maps were produced and copies were also distributed to the local territorial public bodies involved.
Categoria Azioni
data di pubblicazione:
20/12/2024 15:39:35 CET